Thursday, October 27, 2011

Have this ever happened at your grocery store?

Hello guys! I really wish I went grocery shopping now. Being hungry is not fun at all! I was talking to my friend about this recently and she told me about an incident that happened at her local grocery store. What she told me was, one of the most amazing things ever, hands down. She said that during a snow storm, or an upcoming one, there was a line of people waiting to check out. She worked the front line an noticed a line as far back towards the frozen foods. Suddenly, a man in line said, "(explicit language) off!" Afterwards other people in the line, mostly the other men said "Hey!" loudly to the man and the next thing she noticed was complete silence in the whole grocery store. She said it was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop to the floor. I really thought that was amazing to even think of a grocery store anywhere could be completely quiet with people inside shopping. Have this ever happened to your grocery store?

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