Friday, February 3, 2012

More Images Of SuperHeroTaisen, GoKaiger's Awesome Run, What I've Been Up Too Lately

Hello guys. It's Feburary already! Time is sure flying again! I almost thought it was still Jan. I've been doing a lot of job searching. I hope I still get one soon. I really want to get Soul Calibur V. It just came out recently and my friend just brought the collector's edition. It's so awesome! I can't wait to get it! I know my friend's favorite character from Shinkenger is Chiaki and she is creating him on Soul Calibur V! Hahaha! I thought it is pretty cool. The weapon she chose from him look very similar to the weapon Chiaki used in Shinkenger. Epic points for her creation!

Now onto GoKaiger. The series is nearly over, and it has been, so far, the best Sentai series ever. The GoKaigers has really shown alot of character depth to one another and showing their back stories, giving the fans what these characters are all about. The fights have been incredible! Some of the best fights I've seen in Super Sentai. I can't wait to see the GoKaigers face off against Kamen Rider Decade in the upcoming SuperHeroTaisen movie.

Wow! Decade leading an army of DaiShocker and other villians against Maravelous, who is leading an army of the Zangyak! This is going epic! The question is, why are they fight each other? I can't wait to see a trailer to this movie, to really see what is happening or going to happen.

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