Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ninjaman returning in the tribute episode of GoKaiger. Another reason why GoKaiger should be adapted in the US.

Hello guys. I recently read more information on the upcoming episodes of GoKaiger, including the upcoming Kakuranger tribute of GoKaiger.
According to a source, Ninjaman was sealed inside the jar by Sanshinshou 10 years ago. That is why he wasn't in the Legend War.  
In this image, you see Ninjaman and GoKaiOh fighting together. After seeing this, it makes the point of adapting GoKaiger in the US for the Power Rangers 20th anniversary. I said that, because Ninjor (US adaptation of Ninjaman) returned to the temple and the Ninja and Shogun Zords were also returned (I forgot where exactly the zords were returned) after the rangers got their Zeo powers. It should be safe to say the Ninjor will be making a return to the franchise. It should be really interesting to see how it would work.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A look at the Virgo Zodiart

Hello guys! So far we have seen the Scorpio and Libra Zodiart commanders. The next Zodiart commander who will be making an appearace on the show is the Virgo Zodiarts.
In this image, is the Virgo Zodiart Comander. This Zodiart is voiced by, Rie Tanaka. She first appeared in Megamax, when she fought Fourze and Nadeshiko. She will be making her tv appearance in episode 18 of Kamen Rider Fourze. The question is, who is the Virgo Zodiart?  

Sources: Orende: Range, and 4chan

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fourze's Magnet States, and Goooooo-Busters! Think the GoKaigers will have the Go-Busters' ranger keys one day?

Hello guys! More images of the new form of Fourze have surface, and as I only have this image, I have to say that this form looks pretty cool. At first, I wasn't to sure about it, but now, I'm liking it more and more. Seeing him use an actual cool looking magnet, it makes a bit more sense why it is called Magnet States.

Finally, more images of Go-Busters have surfaced. I'm starting to like their suit more too. It looks simple to design for you cosplayers out there. I really like the colored visors too. After reading the plot about Go-Busters, the first thing I thought of when I read the plot was RPM. It does have a similar story to RPM, but with some minor differences.
The buddy-roids are pretty cool looking also. I like Red Buster's buddy-roid the most so far, because it can transforms into his bike. Similar to Accel? The full information about the Go-Busters can be read on

I am looking forward to seeing this series. I will miss GoKaiger. I can't believe it's almost over. Time is going by really fast. I know we will get a Go-Busters Vs. GoKaiger movie. I really like to see that. I have a feeling that the GoKaiger will get Go-Busters rangers keys in someway.

Source: JEFusion, Henshin Justice Unlimited

Saturday, December 24, 2011

What to expect from toku next year? A few thoughts of dream matches for Kamen Rider vs. Super Sentai, A round-up/countdown to epicness.

Hello guys! So this year is almost over. We have seen some really big moments coming from tokusatsu this year. It seems that next year maybe as epic as this year was. I say this is the biggest year for tokusatsu and Japan as a whole. Two anniversaries for two of Japan's biggest franschies: Kamen Rider and Super Sentai. This should make us be prepared for the upcoming Kamen Rider Vs. Super Sentai movie that is going to be release in May 2012. The movie will be starting filming soon, if they haven't already began. It was suppose to begin filming later this month. There will be updates to the filming soon. I hope too see alot of dream matches coming from this movie. Ryuki vs. Ryuuranger from Dairanger is one: Two dragons clashes. Kamen Riders Knight (Wing Knight), Kiva, Sykrider, and OOO vs. the team of Jetman. The team of Super-1, Fourze and Meteor vs. the Megarangers: Epic space battle. The countdown has started for epicness! What's interesting about that is, that the upcoming Avengers movie is also going to be released in May 2012. So we have two countries, two dream matches/team-up movies (each movie to be release in their own country of course), on the same month. That sounds like something major just for May. If the Kamen Rider Vs. Super Sentai movie were to be released here, I would be the first in line for a ticket! Haha. I still want to see Decade go one-on-one with GoKaiRed!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

NinjaMan and NinjaWhite Returns in GoKaiger, GoKaiger Vs. Gavan images, Go-Busters appearance, Kamen Rider Meteor

Hello guys! More news just came in about the upcoming Kakuranger tribute episode of GoKaiger, and yes, Ninjaman does returns! Also returning is NinjaWhite. I must say, she still looks beautiful! One can only wonder what may happen in this episode.

Here we see, what may be glips of the the ultimate power of Kakuranger. I don't know for sure, but we can hope that Ninjaman (Ninjor) is a part of the ultimate power.
Here is a new image of the upcoming GoKaiger Vs. Gavan movie. What you see in this image are three colored GoKai changes, Kazen GoKaiOh standing on Gavan's mecha, ( I forgot the name of it.) and the appearance of Go-Buster!
The Go-Busters are fighting against Basco! Will Basco be interested in there powers as well?

An new image of Kamen Rider Meteor has surfaced! It looks like his Meteor planet punch to the Zodiart also comes with rings from the planet. We finally get to see a better image of the user himself. How will he be to Gentaro and the others?

Here's another image of Meteor's rider kick. This should be interesting to see fighting styles in the upcoming episodes of Fourze.

More epic news just keeps coming. Source: 4chan. Now to get some sleep.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What's your Zodiac Sign? A reference to Fourze.

Hello guys. Aries Zodiart here, lol. Just kidding, but my sign is an Aries. I've wondered, and I know some of you have too, who's going to be the other Zodiarts commanders in the future episodes of Fourze? What will be their signs? What sign will be the most powerful one? Do you think with your sign, you can become a powerful Zodiart commander/constellation?

The new previews of the GoKaiger Vs. Gavan movie is looking more and more awesome! It's looks like Gavan is really a tough opponent to the GoKaigers! 

I still need to see more of Gavan, to learn more about the character and the series. I've seen a few episodes and clips. It's a really good series. I'm more excited to see Gavan more in the upcoming Vs. movie.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Kamen Rider Movie Wars Megamax hits the max with the top spot at #1, Rurouni Kenshin Live Action Trailer, SuperHeroTime 2011 Full Tribute update, and more

Hello guys! So the news just keeps coming and coming with Kamen Rider and Super Sentai. Kamen Rider Movie Wars Megamax came in at #1 at the Japan Box Office. So awesome, and I knew it was going be at the top. GoKaiger was also awesome with a major ending to the recent episode. What happened to the other four members? Many can speculate that they survived the blast in someway. I know for a fact that they did.  
By the way, here's an image of Kamen Rider Joker in Megamax!

I'm still working on rendering my complete SuperHeroTime 2011 tribute. I may have to go at it with lower quality this time. It's going to be a long tribute at over 6mins. That was not my first intention to make this tribute this long. So I hope you guys like the video!

I was giving a oppurtunity to write for the HJU blog. I'm still thinking about it. I say it will be awesome to write for a website, especially for a site that I enjoy and visit alot.  But I think I know what my answer will be. I will be giving my answer very soon.

Finally, here's a first look at the upcoming live action Rurouni Kenshin movie. I have to say, that this small trailer looks awesome! It looks like it's going to be an epic movie!

Friday, December 9, 2011

My thoughts on the new YouTube look, my new theory about the next Kamen Rider after Fourze, and more

Hello guys! I noticed there has been a big revamp of YouTube. I know alot of people are not liking this new look. I really wish they didn't make the unnesessary changes. It's going to take awhile to get use to the new changes.  That's all on that for now.

I recently came up with a new theory about the next Kamen Rider after Fourze, that involves part of the Kamen Rider's henshin device. Since there has been cards, cell phones, USB drives, medals, and now switches that have been apart of the henshin devices, the thought that came to mind was the next Kamen Rider's henshin device uses: crystals. This recently came to me in a dream too, honestly, and the dream involved two people that were in the business of selling energy crystals, similar to Foundation X and Kougoumi Foundation. So far this is all that came to me and I'm now thinking of more possibilites of what could happen in the next series. I think the thought using crystals as part of the henshin device is a pretty cool idea. What do you think about the idea or what would you choose as a new main component for a henshin device?

I recently read about the theme song of the GoKaiger Vs. Gavan movie! I can't wait to hear this song. The song is a crossover song from the singer of the Gavan theme song and the singer of the GoKaiger theme song. That is what I call an awesome crossover. I really wish I was in Japan to see Kamen Rider Movie Wars Megamax tomorrow! This may be one of the best or the best Kamen Rider movie yet.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Kamen Rider Meteor Images, SuperHero Taisen, and a new image of the Live Action Rurouni Kenshin movie

Hello guys! December already! Time is flying! I've been working on few videos and is working on the next SuperHeroTime 2011 tribute. I've been seeing alot of new Kamen Rider and Super Sentai images and reading alot of epic news about next year.

A recently new image of Kamen Rider Meteor. I have to say that I really do like the look of this Kamen Rider. I can't wait to see was moves he have in his arsenal.

I still can't believe this is finally going to happen: Kamen Rider Vs. Super Sentai in the upcoming Superhero Taisen movie. According to sources, the story will be centered around Decade and GoKaiger. Masahiro Inoue will reprise his role as Decade in the upcoming movie. I would love to see how the two franchises cross over to each other. So many possibilities can happen in this movie. I can't think of who I'd like to see go up against who! Who would you like to see go up against each other in the upcoming Kamen Rider Vs. Super Sentai Superhero Taisen movie? 

Another new image of the upcoming Rurouni Kenshin live action movie. I have to say that Takeru Sato looks like a really cool Kenshin! This picture alone shows the look of the batousai I've seen the in anime. I wonder if he will get angry and become a killer as he was in the anime when his eyes changed color. According to sources from Warner Bros. they are pushing for this movie to be release in U.S. theaters next year. I really hope so. I want to see this epic movie.  

Sources: Henshin Justice Unlimited, JEFusion, Orends Range